Before posting a question in the forum, please take a look if your question can be answered by any of the frequently asked questions:
[b]Q:[/b]TP10/RA starts normally, but does not react to button usage.
[*]The protective sticker is still on the glass plate of the TP10, this is a plastic that can cause the TP10 buttons to not react.
[b]Q:[/b]TP10/RA keeps blinking, but does not start working.
[*]The input of the PLC is not connected to the output of the TP10/RA.
[*]The springs on the back of the TP10/RA do not connect to the backplate.
[*]The TP10/RA is not mounted properly.
If these Answers do not help you along, please make a post in the [url=https://forum.fixsus.be/topics/6-TP10---RA---User]user forum[/url] or take a look at the [url=https://forum.fixsus.be/posts/t6-Programming-FAQ]Programmer FAQ
[/url], which states more questions and answers.